current 'me' :
eat a LOT.
craving for coke and say cheese.
shopping and wayang.
wanna be a millionaire soo freaking bad.
want a car.
in <3 :)
Tuesday, July 27
Saturday, July 24
should i smile?
i woke up this morning feeling numb. i've write and delete today's post for i don't know how many times. just didn't find the exact words to express how i felt. all feeling mixed up. until one moment i don't know how exactly i felt. need a pillow and shout. and for me, its gonna be a huge pillow.
have you ever felt like for once, just for once you want to be happy and free and smiling all day long without feeling cautious and guilty? and when one you're happy then all of sudden it won't stay that long. your big day turn out to be your nightmare. sorrow, guilty, regret, anger, remorse, scared, fear. taking all over you.
its like there something in you that trying to get out and explode and wanna be free but there's a wall that you built yourself that keep pulling it back in. you want to shout and scream and laugh and happy like everyone else but its your fear. scared to whats gonna happen. feeling regret like "what if i don't do this" and "what if i don't do that". will everything ever be the same? will everyone around you will be happy? all you want is feel free and learn to take a risk and by that you gonna know how to make a mistake and learn from it.
lies. hardest part. especially to someone you love. you don't want to but sometimes you have to. by lying you think you won't lose anything. but in reality, you do lose something. trust. and i hate myself for lying. yeah. i damn hate it. i feel like i want to cry coz i've let everybody down and it does make feel like a jerk. oh my god, i'm sorry!
and when you're feel like you want to be alone and feeling helpless, friends will always be there for you. and im thankful for that. thanks to YN, HN and FA. you guys do make me smiles. thanks and love you guys!
i just want them to understand how i felt and be the person i can hold on to. maybe i'm tooo scared to reveal the truth and my feeling. to fear of what's gonna happen. can they listen to me and tell me that its okay for me to feel this way?
i'm doomed.
have you ever felt like for once, just for once you want to be happy and free and smiling all day long without feeling cautious and guilty? and when one you're happy then all of sudden it won't stay that long. your big day turn out to be your nightmare. sorrow, guilty, regret, anger, remorse, scared, fear. taking all over you.
its like there something in you that trying to get out and explode and wanna be free but there's a wall that you built yourself that keep pulling it back in. you want to shout and scream and laugh and happy like everyone else but its your fear. scared to whats gonna happen. feeling regret like "what if i don't do this" and "what if i don't do that". will everything ever be the same? will everyone around you will be happy? all you want is feel free and learn to take a risk and by that you gonna know how to make a mistake and learn from it.
lies. hardest part. especially to someone you love. you don't want to but sometimes you have to. by lying you think you won't lose anything. but in reality, you do lose something. trust. and i hate myself for lying. yeah. i damn hate it. i feel like i want to cry coz i've let everybody down and it does make feel like a jerk. oh my god, i'm sorry!
and when you're feel like you want to be alone and feeling helpless, friends will always be there for you. and im thankful for that. thanks to YN, HN and FA. you guys do make me smiles. thanks and love you guys!
i just want them to understand how i felt and be the person i can hold on to. maybe i'm tooo scared to reveal the truth and my feeling. to fear of what's gonna happen. can they listen to me and tell me that its okay for me to feel this way?
i'm doomed.
Friday, July 23
i'm smiling now coz i'm happy. yeah. i'm happy. feel like i'm flying. thanks babe!
this weekend tak balik coz got lotsa things to catch up. yeah. dengan lecturer yang banyak mumbling and ajar tak paham nye kat depan tu. nak tak nak memang kena study sendiri kan. i'm not really into "mechanics'' word yang kat depan every subject tu. run and ask everybody. but still got to work on that huh? oh god please give me the strength.
since selera makan makin kurang, berat makin turun. maybe. lepas tu penat, letih, lesu and rase tido lagi bagus. not a really healthy lifestyle. tapi dah nafsu nak makan takde nak buat macam mana. kadang-kadang lapa sampai perut bunyi-bunyi, shuffle-shuffle, tapi pandang nasi tak rase pape. yeah seriously. AJ dah penat suruh makan tapi minom je banyak. sorry AJ. nanti lepas ni try makan banyak-banyak ye. :)
ini satu fact, no matter where you are, the moon will never be bigger than your thumb!
this weekend tak balik coz got lotsa things to catch up. yeah. dengan lecturer yang banyak mumbling and ajar tak paham nye kat depan tu. nak tak nak memang kena study sendiri kan. i'm not really into "mechanics'' word yang kat depan every subject tu. run and ask everybody. but still got to work on that huh? oh god please give me the strength.
since selera makan makin kurang, berat makin turun. maybe. lepas tu penat, letih, lesu and rase tido lagi bagus. not a really healthy lifestyle. tapi dah nafsu nak makan takde nak buat macam mana. kadang-kadang lapa sampai perut bunyi-bunyi, shuffle-shuffle, tapi pandang nasi tak rase pape. yeah seriously. AJ dah penat suruh makan tapi minom je banyak. sorry AJ. nanti lepas ni try makan banyak-banyak ye. :)
ini satu fact, no matter where you are, the moon will never be bigger than your thumb!
yeah. serious. cube korang try. kitaorang dah try and yup, its true.
psst, sape-sape yang dah tengok dear john mesti tau aku copy bende ni dari movie tu. :)
lepas ni cuba, try, and test okayy!
Monday, July 19
photo is fun!
my life. it was fun and okayy. nothing much to tell.
setiap hari, cerita baru. seronok berborak sampai tak sedar dah pukul berapa. terima kasih kepada gang berborak saya, fara, yan, wani, sue, and linda. typical lah bagi kami.
tadi bukak tumblr fara and there are soooo much cute and inspirational photos. like i said before, sometimes a picture can express a thousand of meanings. here are some that i adore the MOST!
setiap hari, cerita baru. seronok berborak sampai tak sedar dah pukul berapa. terima kasih kepada gang berborak saya, fara, yan, wani, sue, and linda. typical lah bagi kami.
tadi bukak tumblr fara and there are soooo much cute and inspirational photos. like i said before, sometimes a picture can express a thousand of meanings. here are some that i adore the MOST!
dua ni untuk all my friends and AJ!
p/s: for the second one, korang try tolak korang nye screen
ni belakang sikit and nanti nampak la my message okayy.
me and fara looking forward nak buat macam ni
its a good therapy tau
tengok picture if our happy times
try it. its fun!
this one, emmmm
interpret laa sendiri okayy
p/s: takde mood nak tulis panjang-panjang since line macam siput. sorry.
dooya <3
Saturday, July 17
new girls!
i'm home now. yeah. baru seminggu dah balik. rindu lahh. nak buat macam mana kan.
tapi rindu juga yan, fara, linda, and sue and wani. miss all the laughter. this semester, cerita baru, buku baru.
twilight day out for ady and lisa. tell them how cool eclipse was. and they were like, "i wanna watch!" and i was like, "yeah it was totally awesome. must watch!" and mama was like"hmm..".
and sementara diaorang pegi tengok eclipse, me and naim, shopping time. memang perempuan and shopping sussah nak pisah kan. thanks abah and mama.
okayy. post kali ini nak kenalkan our new roomates yang cerita hari tu. messi and villa. aww, they're sooooo cute gila! suka gadoh. but adorable!
argentina vs spain ni tau. and fyi, diaorang girls okay. guys tak bole masok bilik ya. :)
tapi rindu juga yan, fara, linda, and sue and wani. miss all the laughter. this semester, cerita baru, buku baru.
twilight day out for ady and lisa. tell them how cool eclipse was. and they were like, "i wanna watch!" and i was like, "yeah it was totally awesome. must watch!" and mama was like"hmm..".
and sementara diaorang pegi tengok eclipse, me and naim, shopping time. memang perempuan and shopping sussah nak pisah kan. thanks abah and mama.
okayy. post kali ini nak kenalkan our new roomates yang cerita hari tu. messi and villa. aww, they're sooooo cute gila! suka gadoh. but adorable!
ini messi!
ini villa!
update later!
Thursday, July 15
saya nak coke!
hari ini typical. standard la kan first week. tau tau je la kan. wifi slow macam siput. terima kasih kepada broadband yang sudi tolong buat lappy saya bole online dengan tahap kelajuan yang agak okayy ni.
dari tadi dengar messi and villa tu bergaduh. ntah ape yang dorang rebutkan pon tak tau. farah selalu marah diaorang kalau diaorang gadoh. haha. tu la gaduh lagi. sekrang pon tengah gadoh lagi ni. nasib baik fara tak balik klas lagi.
serious bila bilik jaoh-jaoh ni, memang sangat sangat sangat sangat sangat boring and terasa jaoh. berapa kali dah cakap sangat tu? sangat sangat sangat. sebelum ni nak pegi bilik yan, linda wani and sue senang je. ini nak kena jalan dari hujung ke hujung. yeah im not kidding. HUJUNG KE HUJUNG. ibarat utara dan selatan. yan pulak wing satu lagi. rase macam nak bawak basikal o skateboard je. senang sikit nak pegi bilik diaorang. tak payah jalan jaoh-jaoh kan. skate je. kenapa utm jeles dengan kitaorang ek?? :P
sebelum ni penah cakap nak kurangkan coke. but for now, i reallyyyy need a coke and duduk lepak mana-mana. bole lupakan semua benda kejap and minom gas tu banyak-banyak. enjoy suasana petang ni. but reminder, coke tak bole minom banyak-banyak okayy. bahaya kan kan kan. pfft.
tadi blogwalking sikit. seronok dengar cerita orang, kisah orang, karya orang, hasil tulisan orang. how they change a thoughts into words. nice.
tadi belek-belek laptop ni terjumpa gambar ni. tetibe rindu pulak dekat budak kecik ni. nak die bole tak? tolong laa. tolong laa. bawak laa die datang sini.
comel tak die? die ni my HANDSOME BOY. nak die. nak die. nak die. handsome kan die?
yang bawah ni pulak nak tempek gambar dengan my lil bro. meet naim.
p/s: man, tembamnya pipiku. aissh.. macam mane excercise pipi ek?? sapa tahu??
itu saje bebelan hari ini. dump facebook kejap cuz nak update blog punya pasal. cepat nak coke! :)
dari tadi dengar messi and villa tu bergaduh. ntah ape yang dorang rebutkan pon tak tau. farah selalu marah diaorang kalau diaorang gadoh. haha. tu la gaduh lagi. sekrang pon tengah gadoh lagi ni. nasib baik fara tak balik klas lagi.
serious bila bilik jaoh-jaoh ni, memang sangat sangat sangat sangat sangat boring and terasa jaoh. berapa kali dah cakap sangat tu? sangat sangat sangat. sebelum ni nak pegi bilik yan, linda wani and sue senang je. ini nak kena jalan dari hujung ke hujung. yeah im not kidding. HUJUNG KE HUJUNG. ibarat utara dan selatan. yan pulak wing satu lagi. rase macam nak bawak basikal o skateboard je. senang sikit nak pegi bilik diaorang. tak payah jalan jaoh-jaoh kan. skate je. kenapa utm jeles dengan kitaorang ek?? :P
sebelum ni penah cakap nak kurangkan coke. but for now, i reallyyyy need a coke and duduk lepak mana-mana. bole lupakan semua benda kejap and minom gas tu banyak-banyak. enjoy suasana petang ni. but reminder, coke tak bole minom banyak-banyak okayy. bahaya kan kan kan. pfft.
tadi blogwalking sikit. seronok dengar cerita orang, kisah orang, karya orang, hasil tulisan orang. how they change a thoughts into words. nice.
tadi belek-belek laptop ni terjumpa gambar ni. tetibe rindu pulak dekat budak kecik ni. nak die bole tak? tolong laa. tolong laa. bawak laa die datang sini.
comel tak die? die ni my HANDSOME BOY. nak die. nak die. nak die. handsome kan die?
yang bawah ni pulak nak tempek gambar dengan my lil bro. meet naim.
p/s: man, tembamnya pipiku. aissh.. macam mane excercise pipi ek?? sapa tahu??
itu saje bebelan hari ini. dump facebook kejap cuz nak update blog punya pasal. cepat nak coke! :)
Wednesday, July 14
new chapter of life.
gembira dapat jumpa semua kawan-kawan. no more 'rindu' words. we had LOTTSA fun last Sunday at wangsa walk. guys, i'm looking forward nak pegi lagi okayy.anyway, twilight eclipse is a MUST watch movie okayy. serious best gila. and i was like "aww, sweet!" and "gosh, jacob is hot!" and "man, i wanna be bella". kalau korang dapat seat depan pon takpe cuz the movie was UHH-SOMMEE. yeah, from our experience kena duduk depan skali dalam wayang tu. even kena dongak kepala sampai lenguh-lenguh pon still worth coz dapat tengok muka edward, jacob besar-besar. puas hati.
so, kena tengok. kena tengok. kena tengok. :)
and big apple time was great. thanks!
hari ini rabu. class was okayy. not soo much things to cope. now still enjoy my life with movie night and nasi kukus together. great time. and of coz big challenge waitin'. be prepared.
yeah, lupa pulak. kitaorang ada roomate baru. messi and villa. farah punya hamsters. they are SOOOO adorable. even they bite me a couple of times but its okayy. coz they're sooo tiny and cute. aww, nak bela hamster jugak la. :)
its true that a picture means a thousand of meanings. admit that. and this picture, i got nothing more to say.
ciao. :))
Saturday, July 10
beginning of new life
last night online di rumah. ( drama, macam laa weekend tak balik kan ). pfft
for the last couple of days were hectic but fun though. even my back, leg, arm, knee, thigh was kinda hurt due to over aggressive but it was cool.
Jumaat, 9 June 2010:
last day kerja kat istana. abah hooked me up with a job. dengan nabil sekali. it was a tough job but we did it. penat yang teamat. panas terik. maybe a liiiiiiiitle bit like indonesian worker but not really. haha. but yeah, im gettin' tougher. haha. terima kasih kepada nabil kerana anda telah memudahkan kerja saya. :) engineer wannabe. duh.
safety first!
sabtu, 10 june 2010:
today was fulled with fun and enjoyment. tengah hari, pegi kenduri kahwin. err, not-so-fun.
petang, partaayy. yee-haw!!
birthday ryan and aulia kat megakidz memang super awesome. first time masok sane and tak penah terpikir pon nak masok sana. kalau masok pon bawak my own kids la. haha. and THUMBS UP! okayy, dress code:
1. Adults : Black and Red
2. Kids: Animal costume
p/s : Me: purple top with black pants. but still my pants black and my bag merah okayy. :)
soo, semua cousins yang dikira sebagai kids tu semua pakai animal costume and memang adorable gila. okayy, we've got Jumbo the elephant, penguin ( birthday boy and girl ), Tiger in the Pooh, and of coz yang paling menyerlah and won the Best Costume was the Ikan Duyong.
and we've got special guest. Zoey. kepada yang tak kenal tu cube amik remote control and tekan channel Ceria. guy yang jadi host Gerak Geri Gasing but maybe dah takde kot show tu. em or in Hikayat Putra Shazlan, as abang kepasa Shazlan. outgoing guy and we played the trampoline together. awesome.
part paling best kitaorang join skali main dalam playground tu coz adults are allowed. soo riot laa kan. haha.. aww, nak jadi budak kecik balik. main gelongsor and all sort of stuff. all i can it was SUPER DUPER FUN AND AWESOME!
p/s: ia random. harap maaf.
ahad, 11 June 2010 :
going back to college today. can't wait to meet everybody. but in the same time, tak ready nak abes jadi freshies. gud luck to me for my new chapter in life. :)
will update soon. ciao.
for the last couple of days were hectic but fun though. even my back, leg, arm, knee, thigh was kinda hurt due to over aggressive but it was cool.
Jumaat, 9 June 2010:
last day kerja kat istana. abah hooked me up with a job. dengan nabil sekali. it was a tough job but we did it. penat yang teamat. panas terik. maybe a liiiiiiiitle bit like indonesian worker but not really. haha. but yeah, im gettin' tougher. haha. terima kasih kepada nabil kerana anda telah memudahkan kerja saya. :) engineer wannabe. duh.
safety first!
sabtu, 10 june 2010:
today was fulled with fun and enjoyment. tengah hari, pegi kenduri kahwin. err, not-so-fun.
petang, partaayy. yee-haw!!
birthday ryan and aulia kat megakidz memang super awesome. first time masok sane and tak penah terpikir pon nak masok sana. kalau masok pon bawak my own kids la. haha. and THUMBS UP! okayy, dress code:
1. Adults : Black and Red
2. Kids: Animal costume
p/s : Me: purple top with black pants. but still my pants black and my bag merah okayy. :)
soo, semua cousins yang dikira sebagai kids tu semua pakai animal costume and memang adorable gila. okayy, we've got Jumbo the elephant, penguin ( birthday boy and girl ), Tiger in the Pooh, and of coz yang paling menyerlah and won the Best Costume was the Ikan Duyong.
and we've got special guest. Zoey. kepada yang tak kenal tu cube amik remote control and tekan channel Ceria. guy yang jadi host Gerak Geri Gasing but maybe dah takde kot show tu. em or in Hikayat Putra Shazlan, as abang kepasa Shazlan. outgoing guy and we played the trampoline together. awesome.
part paling best kitaorang join skali main dalam playground tu coz adults are allowed. soo riot laa kan. haha.. aww, nak jadi budak kecik balik. main gelongsor and all sort of stuff. all i can it was SUPER DUPER FUN AND AWESOME!
p/s: ia random. harap maaf.
ahad, 11 June 2010 :
going back to college today. can't wait to meet everybody. but in the same time, tak ready nak abes jadi freshies. gud luck to me for my new chapter in life. :)
will update soon. ciao.
Thursday, July 8
seeing is believing
today is thursday and i'm busy doing nothing. typical.
ever heard of optical illusions? coz maybe ada yang dah penah dengar. i've found it fun but yet amazed. don't laugh coz i think its like magic. duh.
how is that happen, i dont know. maybe mata yang salah or my brain yang salah function. maybe thats why la name die optical illusions.
check it out. kalau yang dah penah try pon, try jugak. cool okayy.
1. cuba korang renung, tenung, pandang, tengok, tatap gambar atas ni for 20 second. then pandang white surface. what did you see?? afterimage lagi sharp daripada original kan. cool. :)
2. first, stare at the center of the circle. dont move okayy. then korang akan nampak dot-dot pink tu suddenly disappear COMPLETELY. test ni nak tengok how steady your eyes are. give it a try.
p/s:kalau nak try, click gambar tu ye. baru jadi. terima kasih!
3. this one is pretty scary. i dont know what do you guys see in this picture. but at the first time i see a lady with closed eyes. then after a few seconds and blinks, her eyes were opened. then lepas tu tutup balik. nampak tak? CREEPYYY..
thats all i got for now. kalau nak lagi, google la ye. percaya kat mata korang tu. coz eyes dont lie kan kan kan.
itu je. enjoyy. *grin
ever heard of optical illusions? coz maybe ada yang dah penah dengar. i've found it fun but yet amazed. don't laugh coz i think its like magic. duh.
how is that happen, i dont know. maybe mata yang salah or my brain yang salah function. maybe thats why la name die optical illusions.
check it out. kalau yang dah penah try pon, try jugak. cool okayy.
1. cuba korang renung, tenung, pandang, tengok, tatap gambar atas ni for 20 second. then pandang white surface. what did you see?? afterimage lagi sharp daripada original kan. cool. :)
2. first, stare at the center of the circle. dont move okayy. then korang akan nampak dot-dot pink tu suddenly disappear COMPLETELY. test ni nak tengok how steady your eyes are. give it a try.
p/s:kalau nak try, click gambar tu ye. baru jadi. terima kasih!
3. this one is pretty scary. i dont know what do you guys see in this picture. but at the first time i see a lady with closed eyes. then after a few seconds and blinks, her eyes were opened. then lepas tu tutup balik. nampak tak? CREEPYYY..
thats all i got for now. kalau nak lagi, google la ye. percaya kat mata korang tu. coz eyes dont lie kan kan kan.
itu je. enjoyy. *grin
Tuesday, July 6
small kid, big talents
penah tak tengok show america's got talent o britain's got talent? coz dang that show was awesome. dari pagi tadi tengok youtube pasal budak-budak yang sangat talented dekat show tu. and i was like, OH MY GOD!! they are sooo adorable and talented and confidence. they got the guts to stand on that stage and sing. it was super duper incredible. they got what it takes. the best thing is, diaorang nyanyi lagu evergreen like The Greatest Love Of All, My Heart Will Go On and I Will Always Love You.
heyy, its a big songs for a little small kid okayy.
and there is a kid who can yodel and sing at the same time. and i again i was like, what?? how to do that?
and my fave of all is kaitlyn maher, 4-years old kid who can really SING! ohh man. i dunno what to say. and guess what, she did make to the top-40. if i'm her mother, i would be soo proud of her.
and a girl like bianca ryan, connie talbot and jessica sanchez. they're total talented.
tak tau la kalau show ni dah lame but i baru nak tengok. i know lame. but still i tengok and they're good and fantastic. siap dapat standing ovation lagi okayy.
kalau ada dah upload kat sini but since nak download agak slow macam siput. but ada link for that and nanti kalau free-free-,senang-senang, ada banyak masa terluang, tengok-tengok la ye.
heyy, its a big songs for a little small kid okayy.
and there is a kid who can yodel and sing at the same time. and i again i was like, what?? how to do that?
and my fave of all is kaitlyn maher, 4-years old kid who can really SING! ohh man. i dunno what to say. and guess what, she did make to the top-40. if i'm her mother, i would be soo proud of her.
and a girl like bianca ryan, connie talbot and jessica sanchez. they're total talented.
tak tau la kalau show ni dah lame but i baru nak tengok. i know lame. but still i tengok and they're good and fantastic. siap dapat standing ovation lagi okayy.
kalau ada dah upload kat sini but since nak download agak slow macam siput. but ada link for that and nanti kalau free-free-,senang-senang, ada banyak masa terluang, tengok-tengok la ye.
Sunday, July 4
i don't love it, i adore it
ada sikit sport highlights sini.
nak bagi tau jugak even kalau ada yang tak minat pon.
kepada yang minat fifa mesti tengok argentina kena belasah terok ngan germany. at that point i was like,
are you serious??
total wreck. bukan nak kata pandai sangat pasal bola ni, tapi defense and attack argentina memang hancur. patot la germany bole score sampai 4. pfft..
even there is no 'messi'ing around, but hes still adorable. messi, main laa betol2 lepas ni!
to wani and linda, congrats coz germany menang. kita tengok sape menang world cup? :P
okayy stop. highlights je okayy.
semalam ada weird dream about dresses? yeah, a dress.
i'm not really a dresses lover, but sometimes i think they are cute.
i prefer a dress in black coz:
1. its my fave color.
2. i think its sexayy. wicked*
nak bagi tau jugak even kalau ada yang tak minat pon.
kepada yang minat fifa mesti tengok argentina kena belasah terok ngan germany. at that point i was like,
are you serious??
total wreck. bukan nak kata pandai sangat pasal bola ni, tapi defense and attack argentina memang hancur. patot la germany bole score sampai 4. pfft..
even there is no 'messi'ing around, but hes still adorable. messi, main laa betol2 lepas ni!
to wani and linda, congrats coz germany menang. kita tengok sape menang world cup? :P
okayy stop. highlights je okayy.
semalam ada weird dream about dresses? yeah, a dress.
i'm not really a dresses lover, but sometimes i think they are cute.
i prefer a dress in black coz:
1. its my fave color.
2. i think its sexayy. wicked*
p/s: semua kawan-kawan dah masuk U, lambat nya lagi.. :(
dapat award laa. :)

terima kasih kepada nisa atas award ni.
Suka tak dapat award ni? Bagi ucapan sikit.
suka la. :) first award ni. terharu. :))
suka la. :) first award ni. terharu. :))
Bintang tu cantik tak di mata kamu? Suka bintang?
sukasuka. cantik and indah coz bile tengok bintang bole lupakan everything for a moment.
Dua blog kamu selalu jenguk dan baca entry barunya.
em suka baca blog yang saya follow. lebih daripada dua okayy.. :)
okayy. tapi tak nak laa 3 je. nak bagi lebih sikit laa. :)
1. mkay
2. huda
3. lylasoraya
4. husna
5. khairul kamisan
6. kimmy
7. amirulbaharuddin
p/s: sory bagi banyak sangat. excited nak bagi. :))
Saturday, July 3
twilight addict? yeah maybe..
another boring day.
abah, mama and adi balik kg tok wan untuk hantar kereta and will be home tomorrow. since sekarang banyak kes pecah rumah so naim and me tido rumah mak long.
yeah. it do freaking me out since semalam rumah my neighbor baru kena masok. dunia sekarang makin bahaya. ragut, rompak, samun, rape and all that sort of things. bole jadi kat anyone, anytime. better to take precaution kan.
semalam tengok twilight kat star movies. ohh man, can't wait to watch eclipse. okayy. now im changing my mind. im in team edward. yeah whos with me? cepat angkat tangan.hee~
yeahyeah. jacob do have a smokin' hot body and a super duper cute looks but when you see the sincerity of edward when he love bella, man, he's hot. yeah with a really charming and sweet talk thing, yeah i adore him. hes a what a girl would wanted. except hes a vampire.
i've heard question like " would you rather be a vampire or a werewolf?"
and i was like, emm let me think.
if you be a vampire then you can only suck blood and maybe have all the super powers like edward. climb to highest tree, super fast and of coz cute look. *duh.
then if you be a werewolf, then you can transform into of coz a BIG and CREEPY werewolf laa. then people gonna freak out when they see you in that way. and you only eat flesh either human o any animal.
hmm still hasn't made up my mind yet.
so what would you be? a werewolf o a vampire? but there is one thing i can say. they have one thing in common. good looking. *grin
o can i just be bella? a innocent girl, LOVED BY a werewolf and a vampire. easy. then there is one thing i for sure. if i be bella, im gonna be 90% safe coz i've got two heroes will be looking out for me. duh. edward watch her sleep everynnight okayy. and of coz you can do what ever you want. like tell him,"edward, i wanna go to the peak of that mountain".
then, booom. you're there.
but heyy. still hes a vampire kan. and a vampire suck blood. and you are a HUMAN with BLOOD. so if one day you end up dead on your bed with a bite mark on your neck then thats it.
but LOVE IS BLIND. if a vampire is uncontrollably in love with you. then maybe you ain't gonna be dead. you would end up as a vampire too maybe.
and thats sound creepy but yet cool. pfft
anyway, tonight highlights. ARGENTINA vs GERMANY. im a huge fans of argentina, so wani let the best man win. haha.
what? its football. anything can happen huh?
abah, mama and adi balik kg tok wan untuk hantar kereta and will be home tomorrow. since sekarang banyak kes pecah rumah so naim and me tido rumah mak long.
yeah. it do freaking me out since semalam rumah my neighbor baru kena masok. dunia sekarang makin bahaya. ragut, rompak, samun, rape and all that sort of things. bole jadi kat anyone, anytime. better to take precaution kan.
semalam tengok twilight kat star movies. ohh man, can't wait to watch eclipse. okayy. now im changing my mind. im in team edward. yeah whos with me? cepat angkat tangan.hee~
yeahyeah. jacob do have a smokin' hot body and a super duper cute looks but when you see the sincerity of edward when he love bella, man, he's hot. yeah with a really charming and sweet talk thing, yeah i adore him. hes a what a girl would wanted. except hes a vampire.
i've heard question like " would you rather be a vampire or a werewolf?"
and i was like, emm let me think.
if you be a vampire then you can only suck blood and maybe have all the super powers like edward. climb to highest tree, super fast and of coz cute look. *duh.
then if you be a werewolf, then you can transform into of coz a BIG and CREEPY werewolf laa. then people gonna freak out when they see you in that way. and you only eat flesh either human o any animal.
hmm still hasn't made up my mind yet.
so what would you be? a werewolf o a vampire? but there is one thing i can say. they have one thing in common. good looking. *grin
o can i just be bella? a innocent girl, LOVED BY a werewolf and a vampire. easy. then there is one thing i for sure. if i be bella, im gonna be 90% safe coz i've got two heroes will be looking out for me. duh. edward watch her sleep everynnight okayy. and of coz you can do what ever you want. like tell him,"edward, i wanna go to the peak of that mountain".
then, booom. you're there.
but heyy. still hes a vampire kan. and a vampire suck blood. and you are a HUMAN with BLOOD. so if one day you end up dead on your bed with a bite mark on your neck then thats it.
but LOVE IS BLIND. if a vampire is uncontrollably in love with you. then maybe you ain't gonna be dead. you would end up as a vampire too maybe.
and thats sound creepy but yet cool. pfft
anyway, tonight highlights. ARGENTINA vs GERMANY. im a huge fans of argentina, so wani let the best man win. haha.
what? its football. anything can happen huh?
go argentina!
Thursday, July 1
our "babies"
penat melayan karenah my two little bro yang annoying. bergurau then bergaduh. *duh
tadi selongkar-selongkar lappy ni and terjumpe this photo. and fyi, this is me and my mates punye masterpiece. penuh dengan seni and makna yang tersirat. me think so la. pfft.
we called it our "babies" and i dunno why. *winkwink*
currently listening to avenged sevenfold live in lbc for soo many times. zacky, will you marry me? <3
tadi selongkar-selongkar lappy ni and terjumpe this photo. and fyi, this is me and my mates punye masterpiece. penuh dengan seni and makna yang tersirat. me think so la. pfft.
we called it our "babies" and i dunno why. *winkwink*
currently listening to avenged sevenfold live in lbc for soo many times. zacky, will you marry me? <3
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